
The following data set provides information on wholesale

Last updated: 6/23/2023

The following data set provides information on wholesale

The following data set provides information on wholesale sales by establishments and by total sales Number of Establishments Total sales in billions Product sales as a of total sales 5378 273 11 6 4696 202 8 7 160 36 27 2 4856 11 5 4696 8 7 160 3324 3 2463 8 Wholesale 1 Wholesale 2 Wholesale 3 Merchants 1 Merchants 2 Merchants 3 Mean Standard Deviation Provide your answer below 238 202 68 confidence interval estimate 36 164 5 103 A cheese merchant examines the data set about the product sales of cheese as a of total sales in which the sample mean is 15 8 and the sample standard deviation is 8 9 Find the 68 confidence interval Round your answer to ONE decimal place 27 2 15 8 8 9