
The following December 31 2024 fiscal year end account

Last updated: 9/15/2023

The following December 31 2024 fiscal year end account

The following December 31 2024 fiscal year end account balance Information is available for the Stonebridge Corporation Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable net 5 600 26 000 66 000 Inventory Property plant and equipment net 150 000 45 000 17 000 130 000 Accounts payable Salaries payable Paid in capital The only asset not listed is short term investments The only liabilities not listed are 36 000 notes payable due in two years and related accrued interest payable of 1 000 due in four months The current ratio at year end is 1 6 1 Required Determine the following at December 31 2024 1 Total current assets 2 Short term investments 3 Retained earnings