
The following table shows results from a Polsson GLM

Last updated: 3/20/2023

The following table shows results from a Polsson GLM

The following table shows results from a Polsson GLM generalized linear regression model testing the vocal behaviour of barn owl siblings number of calls while at the nest in response to three predictor variables Food treatment Parent sex and arrival time and interaction terms between some of these factors Link the correct statements below based on this information Intercept FoodTreatmentSatiated Arrival Time SexParentMale FoodTreatmentSatiated SexParentMale FoodTreatmentSatiated ArrivalTime Estimate Std Error 0 292 0 011 0 018 0 021 0 070 5 169 0 654 0 221 0 121 0 129 0 001 0 019 p value 0 004 0 001 0 039 0 001 0 065 0 978 When parents arrived earlier back to the nest Food treatment is a categorical variable with two options satiated and not satiated the models predicts satiated owls to make how many calls Tested interactions explore When the female parent arrived to the nest A owl sibblings made a similar number of calls B if the effect of food treatment on the number of calls varies depending on the sex of the parent and on the time of arrival C 5 823 calls D 5 169 calls E owl sibblings made significantly fewer calls F if the effect of parent sex on the number of calls varies when depending on the time of arrival G 0 654 calls owl gibblings made plan iesail