
The fundamental attribution error FAE in psychology is the

Last updated: 5/28/2023

The fundamental attribution error FAE in psychology is the

The fundamental attribution error FAE in psychology is the tendency of a person to overemphasize dispositional factors and to underemphasize situational factors when attributing reasons for other people s behavior We re interested in seeing if there s a difference in tendency to commit the FAE among groups that differ in level of psychology training We show each participant a video on which a scenario is enacted and we ask the participant questions about why the characters in the enactment behaved as they did Suppose that our data are summarized in the contingency table below Each of the 150 participants is classified according to two variables type s of attributions emphasized Mostly situational Mixed or Mostly dispositional and level of psychology training No psych training Psych degree but not a psychologist or Psychologist Fill in these blanks with the frequencies expected if the two variables level of psychology training and type s of attributions emphasized are independent Round your answers to two or more decimal places Send data to Excel No psych training Psych degree but not a Level of psychology psychologist training Psychologist Total Type s of attributions emphasized Mostly situational 8 12 29 Mixed 18 0 16 15 49 Mostly dispositional 34 33 5 72 Total 61 57 32 150 X