
The general population has been scared of HIV/AIDS for more

Last updated: 7/23/2022

The general population has been scared of HIV/AIDS for more

The general population has been scared of HIV/AIDS for more than twenty years. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns of other infectious diseases that the public should be fearful of as well. You don't have to be a germophobe to be leery of the H7N9 flu which is one of the newer forms of bird flu. Research has identified some alarming details which note that the infectious disease can be passed from animals to humans without making the infected animals sick. As such, identifying and containing infected animals is difficult at best. At the present, there is no vaccine for the H7N9 flu. Most human cases to date have been found from exposure to infected poultry. The one item that has prevented the H7N9 from turning into a global pandemic is the saving grace that the flu is not passed from person to person. Click the icon to view the graph. ..... From the information given in the graph above, determine which decade saw the largest decrease in volume of reported flues from the past 100 years of reported cases. A. 1910-1920 B. 1980-1990 C. 1990-2010 D. 1920-1930