
The graph below shows the sex ratio for different maternal

Last updated: 3/31/2023

The graph below shows the sex ratio for different maternal

The graph below shows the sex ratio for different maternal ethnicities A sex ratio of one thousand represents an equal number of male and female births The minimum is from the year with the lowest sex ratio The maximum from the year with the highest sex ratio Which statement below correctly interprets the graph Race and Hispanic origin of mother Total White Non Hispanic white Black Non Hispanic black Mexican Central and South American Puerto Rican American Indian Chinese Filipino Cuban Minimum Maximum and Total Sex Ratio Reported by Race and Hispanic Origin of Mother 1 001 Japanese 985 Hawaiian 993 1 026 1 027 1 016 1 019 1 020 1 021 1 046 1 047 1 036 1 037 1 051 1 036 1 036 1 059 1 059 1 057 1 053 1 054 1 047 1 062 1 100 1 105 1 096 Legend Total sex ratio at line Minimum 1 128 Maximum 1 143