
The hypothalamus secretes five releasing hormones and two

Last updated: 6/29/2023

The hypothalamus secretes five releasing hormones and two

The hypothalamus secretes five releasing hormones and two inhibitory hormones that block the release of hormones Fill in Table 1 1 by writing the correct anterior pituitary hormone and the target organ for that hormone Table 1 1 The anterior pituitary hormones their target organs and their functions Anterior Hypothalamus Hormone Pituitary Target Organ Hormone Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone TRH Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone GHRH Somatostatin SS also called Growth Hormone Inhibiting hormone GHIH Prolactin Releasing Hormone PRF Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone PIH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone GnRH Corricorronin Function