
The lower the price for purchasing a song from an online

Last updated: 7/16/2022

The lower the price for purchasing a song from an online

The lower the price for purchasing a song from an online music store, the more times the song is downloaded. Let d average number of daily downloads of a song as a function of the price of the song (in cents). Let po be the price currently being = r(p) give the charged for the song (in cents). What does the statement po r(Po) tell you about the number of downloads from the store? O The average revenue earned per download at the current price. O The total revenue of the music store when po songs are downloaded in a day. O The average daily revenue of the music store if the current price is doubled. O The total numbe of times the song is downloaded at the current price. O The average daily revenue of the music store from selling the song at the current price.