The next step to create the example climograph is to plot
Last updated: 3/12/2023

The next step to create the example climograph is to plot the temperature data from Table 9 1 We have used an orange line to represent average monthly temperature as shown in Figure 9 3 Note the orange color is arbitrary climographs may show temperature in red or as another color Precipitation cm 400 38 0 360 340 320 30 0 28 0 36 0 240 22 0 200 IRO 16 0 14 0 120 100 8 D 6 0 40 20 60 J Month SOND 32 24 20 16 12 12 16 20 24 Temperature C Figure 9 3 Climograph with Precipitation and Temperature Plotted 145 1 Refer to Figure 9 3 How does the climograph help us understand the location s climate Create a list of what you can determine from the climograph Here are two questions to help you write your response does the location s temperature fluctuate or is it within about a 15 C temperature range throughout the year When is the rainy season This is when precipitation levels increase