
The rate law for the decomposition of gaseous N O is 1 2NO O

Last updated: 6/28/2023

The rate law for the decomposition of gaseous N O is 1 2NO O

The rate law for the decomposition of gaseous N O is 1 2NO O Reaction mechanism N O5 has been suggested as follows N O5 NO NO3 NO NO3k 2NO fast Keq 2 NO NO fast equilibrium 2 NO NO O slow 43 Order of the reaction is A 0 B 1 C 1 D 3 2 44 In 20 minutes 80 of N O is decomposed Rate constant is A 0 08 B 0 05 C 0 12 D 0 2 2 45 At the equilibrium state N O5 NO and NO concentrations are 0 2 0 4 and 0 4 M respectively k is