
The revenue, in thousands of dollars, that a company earns

Last updated: 7/21/2022

The revenue, in thousands of dollars, that a company earns

The revenue, in thousands of dollars, that a company earns selling lawnmowers can be modeled by R(x) = 90x-x^2 and the company's total profi in thousands of dollars, after selling x lawnmowers can be modeled by P(x) = -x^2 +30x - 200. Which function represents the company's cost, in thousands of dollars, for producing lawnmowers? (Recall that profit equals revenue minus cost.) A. C(x) = 60x+ 200 B. C(x) = -60ײ - 200 C. C(x) = -2x² - 60x-200 D. C(x) = 2x² +60x+200