
The state of New York reported 1484 live births in which the

Last updated: 7/18/2022

The state of New York reported 1484 live births in which the

The state of New York reported 1484 live births in which the infants had Down syndrome (trisomy 21) between 2006 and 2010, which averages to about 5.7 cases per week. While the causes of Down syndrome are not fully understood, it is reasonable at this point to assume that live births are independent and the weekly rate is constant. Let X be the count of babies born with Down syndrome in the state of New York in a given week. (a) What values could X take? Notice how there is no clear limit to this range. None of the options are correct. X can take on any positive real number above the mean of X. X can take on any negative integer value. X can take on any non-negative whole number.