
The table below lists leading digits of 317 inter arrival

Last updated: 11/27/2023

The table below lists leading digits of 317 inter arrival

The table below lists leading digits of 317 inter arrival Internet traffic times for a computer along with the frequencies of leading digits expected with Benford law When using these data to test for goodness of fit with the distribution described by Benford s law identify the null and alternative hypotheses Leading Digit Benford s Law Leading Digits of Inter Arrival Traffic Times 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 30 1 17 6 12 5 9 7 7 9 6 7 5 8 5 1 4 6 76 62 Choose the correct answer below 29 33 19 27 28 OA Ho None of the proportions are equal to the given claimed value H P 0 301 and p2 0 176 and p3 0 125 and and pg 0 046 OB Ho P 0 301 and p2 0 176 and p3 0 125 and and pg 0 046 H At least one of the proportions is different from the others 21 OC Ho At least one of the proportions is not equal to the given claimed value H P 0 301 and p 0 176 and p3 0 125 and and pg 0 046 O D Ho P 0 301 and p 0 176 and p3 0 125 and and pg 0 046 H At least one of the proportions is not equal to the given claimed value OE Ho At least one of the proportions is different from the others He 0301 and p 0176 and n 0 125 22