
The table below provides population facts about the world

Last updated: 9/18/2023

The table below provides population facts about the world

The table below provides population facts about the world and two of its most populous countries India and China Current Population Region World China India millions h 8 057 5 1 448 1 1 401 6 Percent of Population by Age Greater than 65 9 3 11 9 6 5 Less than 15 25 4 0 21 5 26 1 According to the table the current population of the world is j 8 057 5 the population of the world in ordinary notation 057 500 000 million million people Write 2 b What percent of the population of the world lives in countries other than China or India Round your result to the nearest whole number c According to the table k 21 5 of the people who live in China are less than 15 years old and 11 9 are greater than 65 years old What percent of the people