
The table below shows the number of state registered

Last updated: 12/2/2023

The table below shows the number of state registered

The table below shows the number of state registered automatic weapons and the murder rate for several states in the U S x Y 11 9 8 5 7 2 3 5 14 3 11 4 10 2 thousands of automatic weapons y murders per 100 000 residents 2 8 2 7 2 1 0 4 7 6 1 6 4 6 1 4 1 Keep in mind the data in the table do not necessarily imply a direct causal link between the two variables In fact can you think of any reasons why these variables may not be directly related to each other Also the purpose of this question is not to make a political statement about guns or gun control It s only to illustrate that data such as these sometimes have mathematical relationships that can be modeled with linear equations Those relationships should always be questioned and examined carefully With that said these data can be modeled by the equation 0 87x 3 92 Use this equation to answer the following A If this model is consistent how many murders per 100 000 residents can be expected in a state with 4 thousand automatic weapons Give your answer to three 3 decimal places Answer B If this model is consistent how many murders per 100 000 residents can be expected in a state with 3 5 thousand automatic weapons Give your answer to three 3 decimal places Answer