
The table to the right shows the average price of a movie

Last updated: 4/28/2023

The table to the right shows the average price of a movie

The table to the right shows the average price of a movie ticket in a certain theater for the years 2009 to 2013 Draw a line graph that makes the increase in the average price of a movie ticket for the years shown appear to be small and another that makes the increase in the average price of a movie ticket for the years shown appear to be large O A Choose the line graph that makes the increase in the average price of a movie ticket for the years shown appear to be large O C OD 8 60 A Price 7 657 2008 Year 2014 Q OB 16 00 A Price 07 Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 Year Price 7 79 7 83 8 23 8 46 8 49 2014 10 35 APrice 4 151 2008 Year 2014 APrice 9 50 6 25 2008 Year 2014