
The total number of thousands of tons of coal produced per

Last updated: 7/26/2023

The total number of thousands of tons of coal produced per

The total number of thousands of tons of coal produced per year over a 10 year period for a certain region is provided in the accompanying dataset Use double exponential smoothing to determine which pairs values for a and minimize MAD for this dataset a 0 2 p 0 9 a 0 4 p 0 3 x 1 p 0 6 Click the icon to view the coal production data First find the MAD for each pair of values a and B Type integers or decimals rounded to two decimal places as needed a B 0 9 0 3 0 6 0 2 0 4 1 MAD 53126 00 Coal Production Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Coal Production thousands of tons 434 327 420 421 439 046 477 194 504 178 526 952 546 818 564 876 556 707 570 976 O X