
The total numbers of Navy personnel N (in thousands) and

Last updated: 7/29/2022

The total numbers of Navy personnel N (in thousands) and

The total numbers of Navy personnel N (in thousands) and Marines personnel M (in thousands) from 2000 through 2007 can be approximated by the models N(t)=0.194³-7.88+2+12.9t+375 and M(t) = 0.031³-0.25t² +6.7t+173 where t represents the year, with t = 0 corresponding to 2000. Find and interpret (N-M)(t). (N-M)(t) = 0.163+³+7.632-6.2t+202, which represents the difference between the number of Navy personnel and the number of Marines personnel. (N-M)(t) = 0.163³-7.632-6.2t-202, which represents the difference between the number of Navy personnel and the number of Marines personnel. (N-M)(t) = 0.163³ +7.632 +6.2t+202, which represents the difference between the number of Navy personnel and the number of Marines personnel. (N-M) (t) = 0.163³-7.63²-6.2t+202, which represents the difference between the number of Navy personnel and the number of Marines personnel. (N-M)(t) = 0.163³-7.632 +6.2t+202, which represents the difference between the number of Navy personnel and the number of Marines personnel.