
The vanilly mandelic acid test is a urine test which was

Last updated: 7/28/2022

The vanilly mandelic acid test is a urine test which was

The vanilly mandelic acid test is a urine test which was developed to detect the presence of neuroblastoma, a rare serious disease. This test gives a positive result in 70% of cases of neuroblastoma. 8 children with neuroblastoma are administered this test. We want to calculate the probability that the test will give an incorrect (negative) result for at least 2 children in this group. Which one of the following R commands gives this probability? A) pbinom(2,8,0.7) B) 1-pbinom (1,8,0.7) C) pbinom(1,8,0.7) D) pbinom (2,8,0.3) E) 1-pbinom (1,8,0.3)