These words are spoken by Hester to Dimmesdale when the
Last updated: 7/27/2022

These words are spoken by Hester to Dimmesdale when the townspeople wanted to separate Hester and her child. "Speak thou for me!' cried she. Thou wast my pastor, and hadst charge of my soul, and knowest me better than these men can. I will not lose the child! Speak to me! Thou knowest, for thou hast sympathies which these men lack! - thou knowest what is in my heart, and what are a mother's rights, and how much the stronger they are when that mother has but her child and the scarlet letter! Look thou to it! I will not lose the child! Look to it!" Which among the following lines/phrase thát Hester speaks to convey a subtle message to Dimmesdale? "Speak thou for meľ' cried she." "Thou knowest, - for thou hast sympathies which these men lack!" 'Thou knowest what is in my heart" "How much the stronger they are, when that mother has but her child and the scarlet letter!"