TICE ANOTHER We use the form a bx for the least squares line
Last updated: 2/29/2024

TICE ANOTHER We use the form a bx for the least squares line In some computer printouts the least squares equation is not given directly Instead the value of the constant a is given and the coefficient b of the explanatory or predictor variable is displayed Sometimes a is referred to as the constant and sometimes as the intercept Data from a report showed the following relationship between elevation in thousands of feet and average number of frost free days per year in a state A Minitab printout provides the following information Predictor Constant Elevation Coef 317 43 30 489 r SE Coef 28 31 11 21 3 511 8 68 T s 11 8603 R Sq 96 2 Notice that Elevation is listed under Predictor This means that elevation is the explanatory variable x Its coefficient is the slope b Constant refers to a in the equation a bx a Use the printout to write the least squares equation P b For each 1 000 foot increase in elevation how many fewer frost free days are predicted days 0 0015 0 0032 c The printout gives the value of the coefficient of determination 2 What is the value of r Be sure to give the correct sign for r based on the sign of b Round your answer to four decimal places What percentage is unexplained d What percentage of the variation in y can be explained by the corresponding variation in x and the least squares line