To reduce gradually by layer or unit To expel or drive out
Last updated: 2/9/2023

To reduce gradually by layer or unit To expel or drive out with physical force To ask question To obliterate or eliminate by wearing away Reverential regard or worship To reverse position order or relationship Easily bent or deformed Highest or culminating point A record or statement of transactions Having the propensity for falling in love The negative pole or electrode of a battery Not interpreted or altered Citizens organized for military service Pertaining to winter Yielding or submissive To give a clarifying explanation A division or separation into parts Voluntary withdrawal from an organization To make appear great or greater To overstate enlarge beyond truth or bounds A lawmaker representing a group of people One with knowledge or appreciation of an art Perceivable able to be identified The study of facial features and expression A primarily urban political unit Frugal to the point of stinginess The state of being flowery stless lacking life spirit or zest ULARY Part 1 P C P P O C 30 M 1 T L E B S C P H Y Y F S G 1 P E O N NU Z In ZEF FACEH EZ F T ASIL N T SF ONTKY NVERTAPASH C J T 1 D ACEO L OC R ICM RVM ACT SEA L T DQULN NUDO O 1 T HAEH PRRY T SNEOPU AGY EDS COSI RGRT CEJEMCEI 1 ISG LTASE E ACCO L UAMO LI T 1 BERNAL TRLME URTO DID UNTRIEOA OO O USNSNKNH IACUARCRT PMI PHYS OGNOMY BAEA UM 1 ROTALSIGELP C S SNPEXAGGERATED Enter unused letters from puzzle in order 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 Copy boxed letters to form your hidden messag