
Total number of drivers 1700 To find 99 Confidence interval

Last updated: 9/22/2023

Total number of drivers 1700 To find 99 Confidence interval

Total number of drivers 1700 To find 99 Confidence interval for the population meam of drivers that has received at least 1 ticket Solution It is given that 33 Hence P 0 33 The CI we know that CI P Zx 1 P Now Substitude values in above furmula GI 0 33 2 576 0 33 1 0 33 1700 CI survey is of 1700 drivers hence n 1700 drivers have received ticke 0 33 2 576 1 033x 0 67 1700 0 332 576 x 0 011 40 1 0 33 0 0294 Now we construct the confidence interval 0 33 0 0294 2 CI 0 33 0 0294 0 3006 CI 0 3594 CI 30 06 35 941 Answer Hence correct option is A