
Tree Species Sequoia sempervirens Pinus ponderosa Magnolia

Last updated: 4/3/2023

Tree Species Sequoia sempervirens Pinus ponderosa Magnolia

Tree Species Sequoia sempervirens Pinus ponderosa Magnolia acuminata Ulmus americana Pinus pseudostrobus Jan July Annual Climate Elevation Temp Temp Precip Impact on Range strong or weak 11 Which environmental variable impacts the largest number of tree species Use Your Critical Thinking Skills In one to two sentences explain why this environmental variable has the greatest impact 12 Use Your Critical Thinking Skills Some species have a very limited range Why do you think that is Explain your response in one to two sentences 13 Use Your Critical Thinking Skills If a tree species has a limited range how might that impact the ability of the tree to withstand changes to the environment such as climate