tree you created which animal is the closest relative to
Last updated: 3/9/2024

tree you created which animal is the closest relative to humans 0 5 pt 6 2 Who is A afarensis more closely related to Homo neanderthalensis or H sapiens 0 5 pt 6 3 With which archaic human species did some of the ancestors of modern Europeans interbreed during the past 100 000 years 0 5 pt Dinka Aa 8 1 There is more genetic diversity within Africa than in all the rest of the world combined The Dinka ethnic group living in South Sudan along both sides of the Nile constitutes one piece of this diversity Its members are thought to be the tallest people in Africa Italian Fossilized teeth found in England and Italy are among the oldest known remains of modern humans Homo sapiens They date the arrival of Homo sapiens across Europe to about 43 000 years ago Most Europeans today have a little Neanderthal DNA about 1 4 which suggests that some modern humans interbred with Neanderthals either on their way to Europe or when they arrived Khoisan Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200 000 years ago Over much of the time that followed the Khoisan people of Southern Africa were relatively isolated from other groups of humans This physical separation led them to become genetically different from the rest of humanity This has happened to other isolated communities inside and outside Africa as well Papua New Guinean It s possible to extract archaic human DNA from fossils Compare that to the DNA of someone from Papua New Guinea today and you ll find that 1 2 of his or her DNA comes from Neanderthals and a further 4 6 comes from Denisovans another archaic human species related to Neanderthals This means that some modern humans who migrated to Papua New Guinea interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans along the way Yoruba One of the largest ethnic groups in Africa the Yoruba live in Nigeria and Benin in West Africa Leanderthal fossils have never been found in Africa but recent studies have shown that many opulations in Africa including the Yoruba do have some Neanderthal DNA This DNA likely arrived on TREE MISSION 6 Khoisan Dinka Yoruba Papua New Guinean C position 11 A position 21 A positio C position 13 G position 6 5 10 15 20 Dinka G italian G Khoisan G CGC T G TCT TGT G P N Guinean A TCT T Yoruba G TGC T A With which arch human species of the ancestor modern Europe interbreed duri past 100 000 y Australopith afarensis Denisovan Homo erect O Neandertha Homo habil T position 16 SUBMIT