True or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 F 2 3 F 4 T 5
Last updated: 3/11/2023

True or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 F 2 3 F 4 T 5 6789 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Acute confusion is usually permanent When caring for the confused person give clear and simple answers to questions Dementia is a normal part of aging Delirium and depression can be mistaken for dementia You are caring for a person with Alzheimer s disease AD You promote the person s safety by explaining the safety rules The person with AD may scream to communicate Persons with AD choose to be agitated and rude Confused and demented persons do not have the right to personal choice Caring for persons with AD can be frustrating Restraints can make confusion and demented behaviors worse According to OBRA secured units are physical restraints Family members of persons with AD need support and encouragement