
ts kipped eBook Hint Print erences Sales Cost of goods sold

Last updated: 10/24/2023

ts kipped eBook Hint Print erences Sales Cost of goods sold

ts kipped eBook Hint Print erences Sales Cost of goods sold Accounts receivable Numerator 2021 2020 1 2021 657 149 337 746 31 872 Compute trend percents for the above accounts using 2017 as the base year For each of the three accounts state whether the situation as revealed by the trend percents appears to be favorable or unfavorable Numerator 2020 426 720 219 327 24 920 1 7 1 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Is the trend percent for Net Sales favorable or unfavorable Trend Percent for Net Sales 2019 337 328 175 287 23 174 1 1 Denominator 2018 2017 229 475 167 500 85 425 118 082 13 470 11 424 Trend Percent for Cost of Goods Sold 1 Denominator 1 1 Trend percent 0 0 0 0 0 Trend percent 0 0 CI