Two Way Frequency Tables MC A sample of 50 high school and
Last updated: 2/3/2023

Two Way Frequency Tables MC A sample of 50 high school and college students were surveyed to choose a favorite free time activity playing sports dancing or watching movies TV 40 of the sample is high school students From the sample it is found that 22 were high school students who chose playing sports and 6 were high school students who chose dancing 10 were college students who chose sports and 18 were college students who chose watching movies TV 38 of the students surveyed chose dancing Which of the following is a correct two way relative frequency table for the data O High School and College Student Leisure Time Activity Preferences Sports Dancing Movies TV Row Totals 0 40 0 60 High school students 0 22 College students Column totals 0 10 0 32 0 32 0 38 High school students 0 11 0 03 College students 0 05 0 16 Column totals 0 16 0 19 0 06 High school students 11 College students Column totals O High School and College Student Leisure Time Activity Preferences Sports Dancing Movies TV Row Totals 0 40 3 16 5 16 38 High school students 22 College students 10 Column totals 32 6 32 38 0 18 0 30 0 12 0 06 0 09 O High School and College Student Leisure Time Activity Preferences Sports Dancing Movies TV Row Totals 0 15 6 9 30 1 12 18 0 60 O High School and College Student Leisure Time Activity Preferences Sports Dancing Movies TV Row Totals 40 30 1 20 30 50 60 100