Use the dichotomous key below to answer the question Kingdom
Last updated: 4/14/2023

Use the dichotomous key below to answer the question Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Aquatic External ears Family Otariidae Has fur Tusks Genus Arctocephalus Family Odobenidae Found in Australia Scent glands used for defense Genus Neophoca Species N cinerea Family Mephitidae Domesticated Genus Felis Species F catus Retractable claws Family Felidae Genus Panthera Species P leo Land dwelling Scent glands NOT used for de Hibernates Family Ursidae Domesticated Genus Canis Species C lupus Fat Can G Sp C 1 What is the family of the animal that is aquatic and has fur and external ears OA Odobeniadae OB Mephitiadae OC Otariidae OD Felidae Reset Su