
Use the graph of g in the figure to find the following

Last updated: 4/27/2023

Use the graph of g in the figure to find the following

Use the graph of g in the figure to find the following values if they exist If a limit does not exist explain why a g 2 b lim g x c lim g x e g 3 d lim g x x 2 g lim g x h g 4 X 3 f lim g x X 3 i lim g x a Select the correct ansiver below and if necessary fill in the answer box within your choice OA g 2 Type an integer or a decimal B The value g 2 does not exist because g is not defined at x 2 b Select the correct answer below and if necessary fill in the answer box within your choice accos OA lim g x Type an integer or a decimal X 2 B The limit does not exist because g is not defined for all x sufficiently close to 2 with x 2 c Select the correct answer below and if necessary fill in the answer box within your choice OA lim g x Type an integer or a decimal X 2 B The limit does not exist because g is not defined for all x sufficiently close to 2 with x 2 2 ByLoc