
Using the accompanying Cell Phone Survey data apply ANOVA to

Last updated: 7/20/2023

Using the accompanying Cell Phone Survey data apply ANOVA to

Using the accompanying Cell Phone Survey data apply ANOVA to determine if the mean response for value for the dollar is the same for different types of cell phones Click the icon to view the Cell Phone Survey data Determine the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis Ho H H H 5 H H H5 at least one mean is different from the others 6 AT T 7 AT T 8 AT T 9 AT T 10 AT T 11 Other 12 Sprint 13 Sprint 14 Sprint 15 Sprint expan 16 Verizon Verizon 17 18 Verizon 19 Verizon 20 Verizon 21 AT T 22 AT T 23 AT T 24 AT T 25 AT T 26 AT T 27 AT T 28 AT T 29 AT T 30 AT T 31 AT T 32 AT T 33 Other 34 Other 35 Other 36 Sprint 37 Verizon 38 Verizon 39 AT T 40 AT T 41 AT T 42 Other 43 Other 44 Other 45 Other 46 Other