
Victoria Gallinaro Yesterday As I will be taking a lot of

Last updated: 8/25/2023

Victoria Gallinaro Yesterday As I will be taking a lot of

Victoria Gallinaro Yesterday As I will be taking a lot of blood in my time I thought that a hypothesis on which blood type is most popular in the world would be a relevant discussion post My hypothesis is that about 30 of the population have a blood type of O positive And with a study I found stating that about every 1 in 3 people have o positive blood that hypothesis could be deemed true based off the study alone At the 5 significance rate I would fail to reject the null hypothesis as a 21 percent p value is much greater than the 5 If by some chance the two tailed test p value came back to be less than 5 percent I would have examined further and read into my article that I found to see why there was such a disparity between the study and what is actually that case when it comes to blood type The article in question is from the Red Cross which is why my confidence in my hypothesis was so strong My conclusion is that out of all of the people I take blood for more of the population will have type O positive blood Works Cited Cross R 2023 March 15 O blood type Type O Blood https www redcrossblood org donate blood blood types o blood type html Reply O Summary