Visit What s on Art and artists Store Q Jeff Wall Canadian
Last updated: 3/12/2024

Visit What s on Art and artists Store Q Jeff Wall Canadian born 1946 Works Ulike to think that my Artist Photographer Jeff Wall Title Date Medium Size Outburst 1989 Silver dye bleach process color print Cibachrome 1818 x 241 8 in 46 x 61 3 cm Word Length 650 700 Total Overview For this bundle your formal analysis must be a sort essay length response of 5 paragraphs in length You will need to use exactly 3 elements to analyze the photograph in detail in order to make your argument about the photograph Use the Guide to Writing a Formal Analysis and the sample for additional support Keep in mind that the sample is structured differently from the specific format I outline below So make sure you follow the specification outlined below and not the sample Specifications for Constructing the Short Essay Paragraph 1 Introduction Mid Term Exam ART 3648 History of Photography Your introduction should include a Basic details The name of the photographer artist title provenance date and medium b Context A very brief description of the work including what you think the subject is c A road map This is like a movie trailer it gives the reader a preview of your essay d Thesis statement This is a one or two sentence statement where you make your argument s main claim Paragraphs 2 3 and 4 Separate Body Paragraphs Use three different formal elements one per paragraph to analyze the photograph Together these paragraphs constitute the reasons and evidence that supports your overall argument about the meaning of the image Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that addresses the significance of the element you have chosen The topic sentence should make clear to your reader how the following analysis supports your overall thesis statement Address how and why the key elements used by the photographer artist create meaning Make sure you not only describe the work but use description to support your argument Thus you are using description for the ultimate purpose of interpreting and or evaluating the photographs In this process you should be moving between description and analysis unlike the one paragraph formal 7