Waiter returns and hands each person their drinks You and
Last updated: 1/31/2023

Waiter returns and hands each person their drinks You and your friend say thank you in Spanish Waiter asks ready to order in Spanish Use the verb estar You order your food with any specifications I want then order for your guest He She wants Waiter asks Anything else You say that s all thank you Waiter brings food says Enjoy your food customers say thanks Customers comment on food Waiter asks Do y all want dessert Customers respond waiter brings dessert if they order it Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Scene 4 Food Delivery Eating Complete by 1 31 After a while the customer says The check please Image depicts the scene in Book Creator Customers pay say thank you and the waiter saus Thank you Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Waiter is addressing two people Verb querer conjugated properly Any Specifications use con or sin appropriately Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Use the appropriate phrase taught this year Verb estar is conjugated properly Ex My dish name is delicious Verb querer is conjugated properly you all 1 Answer yes and say we want appropriately 2 Answer no we don t want dessert thank you Use the appropriate phrase taught this year