We often think of evolution as a tree and that s roughly
Last updated: 2/5/2024

We often think of evolution as a tree and that s roughly accurate Populations split and diverge and become new species and so one branch becomes two But the concepts of endosymbiosis as well as lateral gene transfer suggest this model of a tree isn t totally accurate after all Discuss why not and what might be a better model for evolutionary history than a perfectly branching tree Start your discussion by copying the figure below and adding lines to it that illustrate at least one major endosymbiotic event that we studied Do this before your written discussion because it will help you see the point I m trying to get you to address Upload discussion and figure Bacteria Purple bacteria Cyanobacteria Flavobacteria Thermotogales Green non sulfur bacteria Archaea Euryarchaeota Methanosarcina Methano bacterium Methanococcus Gram positives Crenarchaeota Thermoproteus Pyrodictium Thermococcus celer Eukarya Entamoebae Slime molds Halophiles Animals Pungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates Trichomonads Microsporidia Diplomonads