Wetlands offer a diversity of benefits They provide a
Last updated: 1/11/2024

Wetlands offer a diversity of benefits They provide a habitat for wildlife spawning grounds for U S commercial fish and renewable timber resources In the last 200 years the United States has lost more than half its wetlands Environmental Almanac gives the percentage of wetlands lost in each state in the last 200 years For 30 of the lower 48 states the percentage loss of wetlands per state is as follows 26 49 54 50 38 46 46 72 67 56 24 81 50 39 35 35 50 35 91 48 56 86 52 36 Make a stem and leaf display of these data How are the percentages distributed Is the distribution skewed Are there any gaps Step 1 We are given the following data set and we are to make a stem and leaf display of this data 60 89 46 31 28 26 49 54 50 38 46 46 72 67 56 24 81 50 39 35 35 36 8 60 89 46 31 28 50 35 91 48 56 86 52 Recall that a stem and leaf display is a method of exploratory data analysis that is used to rank order and arrange data into groups The digits of each data value will be divided into two parts The leftmost part is called the stem and the rightmost part is called the leaf The largest number in this data set is a two digit number so we need to first write all the numbers in the data set as two digit numbers by adding leading zeros as needed 26 49 54 50 38 46 46 72 67 56 24 81 50 39 35 35 50 35 91 48 56 86 52 36 08 60 89 46 31 28 49 50 50 50 52 54 56 56 Since all the numbers for the data are now two digit numbers the stem will be the number in the tens place and the leaf will be the number in the ones 0 place Now organize the numbers in the data set from smallest to largest value 08 24 26 28 31 35 35 36 38 39 46 46 60 67 72 81 46 48 89 91