What health and safety hazards are associated with waste
Last updated: 6/15/2023

What health and safety hazards are associated with waste generated by electroplating companies What is being done to reduce the impact that waste is having on the environment and human health What are some of the toxic substances that can escape from electronic waste on the the environment What are the potential effects of these chemicals on your health Important Your grade is linked to both parts of the assignment Wait for feedback from your teacher on the components of Part I before working on and completing your research paper Part II Writing Your Research Paper 1 Write your research paper incorporating the feedback and direction from your teacher Your research paper should have an introduction body and conclusion Typically you would have one paragraph for each of your introduction and conclusion The body of your research paper can have multiple paragraphs The focus of the body of your paper should be the three main points you submitted to your your teacher in Part I 2 Include any relevant data you obtained from your research to support your main ideas Ensure your data is obtained from acredible source 3 Use in text citations to reference any information you wish to present that is not your own original idea such as data and theories opinions of others 4 Submit a reference list that includes all the sources you used in your research paper Ensure that both your in text citations and reference list are completed according to APA style