
When equal volumes of 0 2 M AgNO and 1 M KCN solutions were

Last updated: 7/3/2023

When equal volumes of 0 2 M AgNO and 1 M KCN solutions were

When equal volumes of 0 2 M AgNO and 1 M KCN solutions were mixed then at equilibrium concentration of Agt was found to be 10 M While when equal volumes of 0 2 M Zn NO solution and of 1 M KCN solution were mixed then at equilibrium concentration of Zn ion was found to be 10 12 M Then find the equilibrium constant K of following reaction 2 Ag CN J aq Zn aq Zn CN aq 2Ag aq Consider two equilibrium 2CL g 2H O g 4HCI g O g and N g O g 2NO g