
whether the following statement makes sense or does not make

Last updated: 9/9/2023

whether the following statement makes sense or does not make

whether the following statement makes sense or does not make sense and explain your reasoning I used A 2 to determine the amount of fencing needed to enclose my circular garden Choose the correct answer below A 2 This does not make sense In order to determine the amount of fencing needed to enclose my circular garden use the equation C of the circle nd zd where C is the circumference and d is the di B This does not make sense In order to determine the amount of fencing needed to enclose my circular garden use the equation C d where C is the circumference and d is the diam of the circle OC This does not make sense In order to determine the amount of fencing needed to enclose my circular garden use the equation C d where C is the circumference and d is the diamete of the circle D This makes sense