Write 3 paragraphs answering the following questions What is
Last updated: 4/10/2023

Write 3 paragraphs answering the following questions What is the Jim Crow What is the new Jim Crow How does the new Jim Crow differ from the old Jim Crow How does mass incarceration relates to social class and racial inequality G D give please Please don t copy and paste Please type the answer also Include a bibliography list of sources used Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them Your answers must be original use your own ideas and words Do not copy from any website or written material from another person without proper citation Grading criteria Students can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written and 5 points for the bibliography list of sources consulted Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings Each paragraph must be original using student s own work or ideas A complete list of used sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs Sources must be listed using APA or ASA format 0 A plagiarism check software will be used Plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 You may consult the following sources What was Jim Crow A Brief History of Jim Crow