
x Cows With Crosses o Cows With Eyes XXOOO0 XXO Attacked

Last updated: 11/8/2023

x Cows With Crosses o Cows With Eyes XXOOO0 XXO Attacked

x Cows With Crosses o Cows With Eyes XXOOO0 XXO Attacked Cows OXOXOXOXXOO oooxxx oxxxx OOOXOX XXOO 000XXXOOXO XxOx XOXOX XxxO OOXX XOOX XOOX XOXOOX00000 OOOOXOOXX xoxooxo 00xxx xxxxoxoxoxox Coxooxxo In one herd 100 cows were randomly assigned to receive eyes while another 100 cows received crosses The herd was then observed over a month long period for attacks from predators Click the start button to see which cows were attacked over the month long period Based on the results of the experiment does it appear that there was a significant difference in predator attacks for those cows marked with crosses compared to eyes Explain your choice The difference is significant The difference is not significant