
Yessica thought that there was a correlation between the

Last updated: 11/7/2023

Yessica thought that there was a correlation between the

Yessica thought that there was a correlation between the amount of time students slept the evening before their final exam and their final exam grade She took an SRS of 5 students in her class and recorded the sleep time the evening before their final exam and their final exam score Let the sleep time the evening before the final exam represents the explanatory variable and the fina exam score be the response variable Below is a sample data set 1 2 3 r 3 8 7 Calculate the sample correlation coefficient r to three decimal places x hour 4 9 4 5 Why would we expect the correlation coefficient to be positive As the sleep time decreases exam score increases As the sleep time increases exam score decreases There is no change in exam score to sleep time As the sleep time increases exam score increases y score 56 96 54 91 86