
You and your friend are engaging in a classic sports

Last updated: 10/19/2023

You and your friend are engaging in a classic sports

You and your friend are engaging in a classic sports argument which famous athlete is better at their respective sport In other words we re going to explore the question in the year 2022 was Jimmy Butler better at basketball than Tom Brady was at football Because we re comparing to totally different sports with different statistics in order to answer this question we need to look at standardized scores z scores For Tom Brady we ll look at passing yards Passing yards are a good way to measure a quarterback s ability to move the ball in short higher average passing yards per game is a good thing For Jimmy Butler we can look at points per game In the 2022 season Tom Brady had an average of 276 1 passing yards per game The total league average for the quarterbacks in the NFL was 226 19 with a standard deviation of 37 80 Using this information tell me who was better Tom Brady or Jimmy Butler and why In your answer include the following information a The z scores for Tom Brady s passing yards and Jimmy Butler s points per game Hint you already calculated the z score for Jimmy Butler in the questions above b A comparison of the two z scores an explanation of your conclusion based on those z scores What is your final conclusion who is better relative to others in their respective sports Why