You and your team must quarantine together You have 1 hour
Last updated: 3/5/2023

You and your team must quarantine together You have 1 hour to grab anything you need from ny store or home to make your quarantine njoyable You and your team will create a survival guide 1 What do we need to do to be prepared 2 What s the plan 3 What are the steps we need to take How will we survive 4 HOW TO SURVIVE The Zombie Apocalypse There is no guarantee that anyone can survive a zombie apocalypse but these steps might help a person survive longer THREE STEPS STEP ONE GATHER SUPPLIES These are necessary to vy alive while the world shuts down No one convive without binecute STEP TWO ORGANIZE A GOVERNMENT Every group of people needs an aganized system of government in order to avoid chaos and to orgonin ses enforce rules and make STEP THREE HAVE A DEATH PLAN The group will need to have a plan in care a person is bittas by a remblea Sope is lost and the entire ging to be overtaken by a combie ma peciding these rules ahead of one will help to avoid emotional The Infographic