
You need a loan of $155,000 to buy a home. Calculate your

Last updated: 7/22/2022

You need a loan of $155,000 to buy a home. Calculate your

You need a loan of $155,000 to buy a home. Calculate your monthly payments and total closing costs for each choice below. Briefly discuss how you would decide between the two choices. Choice 1: 15-year fixed rate at 5% with closing costs of $2400 and no points. Choice 2: 15-year fixed rate at 4.5% with closing costs of $2400 and 4 points. What is the monthly payment for choice 1? $1,225.73 (Do not round until the final answer. Then round to the nearest cent as needed.) What is the monthly payment for choice 2? $1,185.74 (Do not round until the final answer. Then round to the nearest cent as needed.) What is the total closing cost for choice 1?