
Your customer service representative named Jenny Livingstone

Last updated: 3/22/2023

Your customer service representative named Jenny Livingstone

Your customer service representative named Jenny Livingstone is incredibly rude and obnoxious Yesterday evening when I called to confirm the number of minutes left on my monthly plan she told me to check the website When I told her that my Internet was down she told me to go to the library because I was tying up the line and her main job was to help people pay their bills I don t think she has a high school education and that reflects really poorly on your company and on her Although she eventually told me the number of minutes remaining on the plan she was really rude about it Without a doubt you should fire her I hope you recorded the conversation for quality assurance purposes Please take the appropriate steps to rectify this problem Sincerely Maureen Murphy What advice would you give Ms Murphy to ensure that her constructive criticism is well received Check all that apply Use an inductive outline and place the claim after the explanation O Include only facts not opinions Introduce the subject of the message without being judgmental