G) Choose the correct answer, Children Have the Right 1. Knowledgeable and Qualified Literacy Teachers matter 2. to student achievement than any other school-related factor. Teachers and 3. students c

G) Choose the correct answer, Children Have the Right 1. Knowledgeable and Qualified Literacy Teachers matter 2. to student achievement than any other school-related factor. Teachers and 3. students cannot be successful without the supports of other knowledgeable and qualified school personnel, such as principals, reading/ literacy specialists, and literacy coaches. These professionals must complete high-quality preparation programs that provide opportunities to learn foundational knowledge. These programs must 4. prepare teachers to design literacy learning environments, 5. face-to-face and virtual, that meet the needs of all students. BE HERE 1. a) with 2. a) less 3. a) them 4) a) also 5) a) neither b) for b) more b) they b) and b) both c) at c) most c) their c) but FOR KIDS c) either IV - WEEKLY DIGITAL TASKS H) Please visit Scholastic Literacy pro. Login with ve Click on your book room and find the book "T and do the related exercise. Hic Literacy pro. Login with your username and password. com and find the book "I like to Exercise". Read the book