İngilizce Soruları
TYT, AYT, YKS, LGS, KPSS, ALES hazırlık sürecinde dilediğin dersten soru çözüm desteği almak ister misin? Kunduz’a sorularını sor, alanında uzman eğitmenler cevaplasın.

dil yençler bunların karşılığında para
B) Boş zamanları olan gençler çim biçme ve
çeşitli bakım işleri yapma karşılığında para
C) Gençler, boş zamanlarında çim biçme ve
çeşitli bakım işleri yapma karşılığında para
2. The walls have been strengthened in an
attempt to minimize damage in the event of an
Güçlendirilen duvarların amacı deprem halinde
hasarı en aza indirmekti.
B) Duvarlar, deprem halinde hasarı en aza
indirmek için güçlendirildi.
C) Duvarları, deprem halinde hasarı en aza
indirgemek için güçlendirdiler.
3. People from the villages go to the large cities
in search of work.
A) Köylerdeki insanların şehirlere gitmesi iş
bulmak içindir.
BY İnsanlar köylerden şehirlere iş aramak için
Köylerdeki insanlar iş arayışı içerisinde büyük
şehirlere giderler.
4. In response to your last question, the manager
will explain the situation tomorrow.
A) Son sorunuza cevaben müdür durumu yarın
Son sorunuzla ilgili durumu müdür yarın

Question & Answer2
ber vatalos honestis
Cica 5. Are the cyber cases preventable?
A - ) Fill in the blanks with the words below. (Boşluklan asadaki kelimelerle doldurunuz) (5x3=150)
yoksun molteci doncitentargli irksine feki
deprived 7 refugee / disadvantaged / racism/ patalyzed
5 .
Y 1. People donate items of furniture to the society who then distributes them to dapre ved families.
T 2. As a recog e he can be deported only if he is a danger to national security or to the community
3. In June, 2013, a stroke turned his active 58-year-old father speechless and
S.19 4. My mother was dis
Dof an education while my uncles were sent to school.
5. Black people are imprisoned at five times the rate of white due to

Cloze Testblen (EBOB)
12. Boyutları 5,2 m, 6 m ve 14,4 m olan dikdörtgen-
ler prizması şeklindeki bir deponun bütün yüz-
leri, parçalanmamış fayanslarla döşenecektir.
Buna göre, aşağıda kenar uzunlukları cm ola-
rak verilen dikdörtgen şeklindeki fayanslar-
dan hangisi kullanılamaz?
A) 10; 20
C) 15:20
B) 8; 10
D) 20:40
13. 80 m ve 105 m uzunluğundaki iki top kumaş
eşit uzunlukta, en büyük parçalara ayrılıyor.

Comprehensionut not
Writing der P
Choose one of the extinct animals
and write about it. What do you
know about that animal? Why did
they become extinct? When did they
become extinct?
hayvonlar don

Adjective Clauses11. The role of the teacher, ---- is that of a counsellor
prevents him from talking too much or leading the
class when they should be leading themselves.
B) whom
C) whose
D) which
E) what
A) who

Question & AnswerAnswer the following questions about the paragraph.
1- Did they stay in a hotel?
2- What did Hannah and Rachel do in the afternoon?
3- Where did they go for holiday?

Sentence Completion5
se: there is,
e picture and
Liz is in Paris and she wants some
information. Read and complete.
Liz: I want to visit the Eiffel Tower.
1) Is there a bus I can take?
Richard: Yes, 2)
a bus stop just round the corner.
Liz: Great. What about lunch?
-- any good places
to eat near the Eiffel Tower?
Richard: Yes, 5)
a lot of
cafés, too. You can have
a sandwich there, too.
Liz: Thank you.
Grammar (Object Pronouns)
Chiect Pronouns

ComprehensionTASK 3
Match the words to the definitions. There is one extra definition
1. Determinen
A. always telling other people what to do, in a way that is
2. Humble
3. Impatient
B. someone who is good at making decisions quickly and
4. Greedy
with confidence.
5. Generous
C. made, done, or operated by people working together
6. Jealous
D. having a natural ability to do something well.
E. feeling unhappy because someone has something that
7. Talented
you wish you had.
8. Cooperative
F. someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc.,
9. Decisive
in order to help people or give them pleasure.
10. Bossy
G. always wanting more food, money, power, possessions
etc. than you need.
H. very eager for something to happen and not wanting to wait.
I. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important
as other people's.
J. having a strong desire to do something, so that you will
not let anyone stop you.
K. feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that
you have done something wrong.

Cloze Testwww.mod
3. Important people's communications are
generally so ---- Worded that you need a real
expert to get what they speak.
AT clearly aukcm
C) obscurely
E) reasonably
B) accurate
D) legibly, kunath

Question & Answermasculing people's appearance
sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygundo
kelime ya da ifadenin yer aldri seçenegi
1. Steve is.******.. and he has got ...
curly hair
A young / long
B) brown eyes/long
C) old / slim
D) tall/ plump

Comprehension6. What does Tom Hanks do? Tom Hanks
What is Tom Hanks like?

Question & AnswerGive true answers about yourself.
1. What time do you get up?
2. Where do you live?
3. When does your first lesson start?
4. How do you go to school?
5. What do you

Daily RoutinesG) Choose the correct answer,
Children Have the Right 1. Knowledgeable and Qualified Literacy
Teachers matter 2.
to student achievement than any other school-related
factor. Teachers and 3.
students cannot be successful without the supports
of other knowledgeable and qualified school personnel, such as principals, reading/
literacy specialists, and literacy coaches. These professionals must complete high-quality
preparation programs that provide opportunities to learn foundational knowledge. These
programs must 4.
prepare teachers to design literacy learning environments,
face-to-face and virtual, that meet the needs of all students.
1. a) with
2. a) less
3. a) them
4) a) also
5) a) neither
b) for
b) more
b) they
b) and
b) both
c) at
c) most
c) their
c) but
c) either
H) Please visit Scholastic Literacy pro. Login with ve
Click on your book room and find the book "T
and do the related exercise.
Hic Literacy pro. Login with your username and password.
com and find the book "I like to Exercise". Read the book

Cloze Test12. Some scientists propose that our universe
---- inside a black hole many years ago,
and every black hole in our own universe
could contain separate universes as well.
must be born
B play have been born
would be born
D) will have been born
El can't be born

Question & AnswerWrite the plural forms of the words.
1.cooker -
6. towel -
8.woman -

Tenses13. My father .................... the service bus to work
every day. He .............. drives to work, because
there is ..................... much traffic.
Verilen boşlukları doğru tamamlayan seçeneği
A) take / always / hardly ever
B) takes / never / always
C) is taking / often/never
D) are taking / sometimes / usually