TASK 3 Match the words to the definitions. There is one extra definition 1. Determinen A. always telling other people what to do, in a way that is 2. Humble annoying 3. Impatient B. someone who is goo

TASK 3 Match the words to the definitions. There is one extra definition 1. Determinen A. always telling other people what to do, in a way that is 2. Humble annoying 3. Impatient B. someone who is good at making decisions quickly and 4. Greedy with confidence. 5. Generous C. made, done, or operated by people working together 6. Jealous D. having a natural ability to do something well. E. feeling unhappy because someone has something that 7. Talented you wish you had. 8. Cooperative F. someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc., 9. Decisive in order to help people or give them pleasure. 10. Bossy G. always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc. than you need. H. very eager for something to happen and not wanting to wait. I. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people's. J. having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you. K. feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done something wrong. GLOEJKBS