On-demand Academic Support
24/7 instant help from subject matter experts; data-driven insight for the classroom
Provide your students 24/7, on-demand academic support provided by fully vetted subject matter experts
800+ Institutions
300K+ Students

Our References and Alma Mater


Instant solution help on any question

Students get unlimited solution help whenever they get stuck. Our massive tutor network, with over 50,000 subject matter experts, are always available to help them within minutes.

Instant solution help on any question

All You Can Ask!

No need to limit yourself when asking questions on Kunduz! You can ask as many questions as you want without being restricted by limits.

Solutions Within Minutes

No need to wait in line or, even, get up from your desk anymore! Kunduz's 50,000+ experts are ready to help you with questions from every subject.

100% Solution Guaranteed

Every question is answered at Kunduz. If you want to ask the same question to another expert, don’t be shy! You can ask again as many times as needed. We guarantee that you won't have any unsolved questions with Kunduz!


Instant Chat with Top Experts

Students chat with tutors instantly and get all their further questions answered within minutes. They can keep the discussion as long as they would like!

Instant Chat with Top Experts

Unlimited Chat

Got questions even after you’ve received your solution? Dive deeper and keep the conversation going with our experts. Ask as many follow-up questions as you like—keep digging until every doubt is cleared!

One-on-One Approach

By having one-on-one sessions with your tutor, you can receive solutions tailored specifically to you. During these individual sessions, the expert tutor listens to you, grasps the points you don't understand, and engages with you until all your question marks are cleared, just like in a private lesson!

Connect Instantly

No need for appointments! Our thousands of expert tutors are ready and waiting for follow-up questions. When you encounter a point you don't understand in a solution, you can connect with your tutor within minutes.


Student Dashboard for Teachers and Personnel

What your students ask reveals more than their answers. Kunduz’s real-time dashboard allows teachers, principals and academic personnel to monitor student efforts at the student, class, or course level. Make your classrooms more data-savvy than ever before!

Student Dashboard for Teachers and Personnel

Real Time Insights

What students spend their time on and the level of their questions reveals as much about their proficiency as an exam score. Check and get high-quality insights on your students' efforts and progress even before the exams.

From Institution Level to Individual

Gain a comprehensive view of your educational landscape with Kunduz. From overarching institutional performance to individual student progress, our platform provides detailed analytics for every level—available whenever you need them.

Detailed Visibility With Course & Subject Levels

Track your students' performance in different courses and see with which subjects they struggle to provide them additional help timely.

Built for all, trusted by hundreds of thousands
We provide personalised support to hundreds of thousands of students. We empower thousands of teachers in the classroom, in hundreds of schools.

300K+ Subscribed Students

Join a thriving community of over 300,000 subscribers who trust Kunduz for their educational needs.

20K+ Teachers Empowered

Empowering over 20,000 teachers with the tools to enhance their teaching effectiveness and student engagement.

500+ Schools Partnered

Partnering with over 500 schools, Kunduz is a trusted name in educational technology solutions.

180M+ Questions Solved

Benefit from a vast repository of knowledge with more than 180 million questions already solved on our platform.

<15 mins Solution Time

Experience instant learning with our average solution time of under 15 minutes.

94% Satisfaction Rate

Enjoy high-quality service with a 94% user satisfaction rate, highlighting our commitment to excellence and quality.


It takes a village.

Every student is unique and it takes many teachers and institutions for each to capture their full potential. Kunduz is built with this notion to enable high-quality personalized education for students by empowering everyone.


Unlimited expert help within minutes

A teacher on every course just for you; get instant help with any question anytime, anywhere.

Ask as many questions as you’d like to as many tutors as you’d like. Discuss with tutors until it makes sense to you.

Monitor your efforts week-over-week, month-over-month; measure in comparison with other courses or, even, peers.



Kunduz is here to help you focus on the most important matters in your classroom

Kunduz is like having a co-teacher with your students at all times.

See real-time insights on areas that need improvement through our Dashboard

Personalize instruction based on your student’s needs



More impactful faculty, more successful students, more satisfied parents, better academic outcomes!

Relieve teachers’ workload by providing a co-teaching assistant to students

Empower teachers to focus on what matters most in the classroom

View data by school, classroom, and individual students to find trends in curriculum and assessment

Engage parents through common insights provided by Kunduz.

Before we partnered with Kunduz, I was working all the time but could never feel I was on top of things. Now I have full control of my time. I have the best visibility in what’s going on in the class and what I should spend more time on. I make smarter decisions for my students and I feel more present in front of them.

Before we partnered with Kunduz, I was working all the time but could never feel I was on top of things. Now I have full control of my time. I have the best visibility in what’s going on in the class and what I should spend more time on. I make smarter decisions for my students and I feel more present in front of them.

2 years with Kunduz

Teaches Math and Geometry at a partner school

Having all the hands up and not being able to help each of them in that limited class time… That was my nightmare. Now, I have the time to make every timely decision in the classroom. And guess what? I’m still present for my students whenever they need me.

Having all the hands up and not being able to help each of them in that limited class time… That was my nightmare. Now, I have the time to make every timely decision in the classroom. And guess what? I’m still present for my students whenever they need me.

8 months with Kunduz

Teaches Middle School Math at a partner school

Kunduz changed the way we work. Our teachers now have the time to strategize how to best use their classroom time. They make the best use of the dashboard to decide on what topics were well-grasped and what concepts need to be spent more time in the classroom.

Kunduz changed the way we work. Our teachers now have the time to strategize how to best use their classroom time. They make the best use of the dashboard to decide on what topics were well-grasped and what concepts need to be spent more time in the classroom.

3 years with Kunduz

Head of Math Department at a partner school

Students’ engagement on Kunduz is unlike anything else. An ed-tech product actively used by students gives the most insightful and up-to-date information. Kunduz marries it with a smooth dashboard. This gives our teachers the capability to make their diagnosis and act on them before the exams. We haven’t seen them this data-savvy before.

Students’ engagement on Kunduz is unlike anything else. An ed-tech product actively used by students gives the most insightful and up-to-date information. Kunduz marries it with a smooth dashboard. This gives our teachers the capability to make their diagnosis and act on them before the exams. We haven’t seen them this data-savvy before.

1.5 years with Kunduz

Head of Curriculum at a partner private school network

Kunduz brought a major change in my life as a principal. Finally, I have a common frame to diagnose and discuss matters with students, teachers and parents. We all have the common understanding on the efforts of a student compared to the rest of the class or what courses or concepts to be focused on for academic improvement in a class. Sharing this common frame enables us to focus on improving academically, not discussing the facts.

Kunduz brought a major change in my life as a principal. Finally, I have a common frame to diagnose and discuss matters with students, teachers and parents. We all have the common understanding on the efforts of a student compared to the rest of the class or what courses or concepts to be focused on for academic improvement in a class. Sharing this common frame enables us to focus on improving academically, not discussing the facts.

2 years with Kunduz

Principal at a partner school

Help us spread the impact
After actively used by hundreds of schools across the world, we are eager to help you in your class for better academic outcome of everyone of your students. Simply sign up for free access to our platform for you and your students!
Finally, no more waiting to get the help I need! Sure, my teachers are available, but with five questions popping up every other day, it wasn't exactly convenient. Now, I save their time for the really big questions and turn to Kunduz for everything else.

Finally, no more waiting to get the help I need! Sure, my teachers are available, but with five questions popping up every other day, it wasn't exactly convenient. Now, I save their time for the really big questions and turn to Kunduz for everything else.

Kunduz Student

11th Grade

Wanting to help with homework but fearing I might get it wrong or can’t solve at all was always stressful. Kunduz changed that. Now, I'm reassured that experts are guiding my child, question by question. It's peace of mind in an app.

Wanting to help with homework but fearing I might get it wrong or can’t solve at all was always stressful. Kunduz changed that. Now, I'm reassured that experts are guiding my child, question by question. It's peace of mind in an app.

Kunduz Parent

Mother of a 12th Grade Kunduz Student

I’ve always been shy, and asking questions in front of teachers or my classmates has been incredibly daunting. Yes, Kunduz is super fast and convenient, but what I appreciate the most is the freedom to ask as many follow-up questions as I want. I don’t know the tutor, they don’t know me; that anonymity is a game-changer for me. It lets me focus solely on my questions and not worry about what others think about me for asking those questions.

I’ve always been shy, and asking questions in front of teachers or my classmates has been incredibly daunting. Yes, Kunduz is super fast and convenient, but what I appreciate the most is the freedom to ask as many follow-up questions as I want. I don’t know the tutor, they don’t know me; that anonymity is a game-changer for me. It lets me focus solely on my questions and not worry about what others think about me for asking those questions.

Kunduz Student

10th Grade

Every parent wants to be the hero, but tackling questions you haven't seen in 30 years? Stressful. Thanks to Kunduz, that stress is gone!

Every parent wants to be the hero, but tackling questions you haven't seen in 30 years? Stressful. Thanks to Kunduz, that stress is gone!

Kunduz Parent

Father of 11th and 8th Grade Kunduz Students

I turn to Kunduz whenever I hit a wall - whether it’s test prep or homework. It’s amazing—I can fire off any question, anytime, and get guidance on the spot. It’s totally transformed how I study. It’s like having a tutor on call, day or night.

I turn to Kunduz whenever I hit a wall - whether it’s test prep or homework. It’s amazing—I can fire off any question, anytime, and get guidance on the spot. It’s totally transformed how I study. It’s like having a tutor on call, day or night.

Kunduz Student

12th Grade